Friday, January 6, 2012

The Meager Few


Three.  The meager number of times I posted here in 2011.  Once to tell you I have MS.  Once to share the blessed suffering of acceptance of said disease.  And finally, once to tell you I was back to blogging (which I obviously was not) and share how thankfulness changes our perspective, making beautiful to us things that once seemed undesirable. 

So much left out.  Such a gap of understanding between us.  2011 was surely more than was represented here.  I lament that.  I grieve that I did not do the work of discovering and testifying to God’s sufficiency in every circumstance  (that’s what writing is for me).  And I regret that I did not share it with you who have been so kind to me and who, for some reason, still come back here, still think this place is worth keeping.  Over and over God has used you to confirm that there is a gift that needs to be fanned to flame.  Thank you. 

I’m not making any promises for 2012, but I do truly want to respond to the Spirit’s prompting when the words start piling up and rearranging themselves in my mind.  I do want to share the encouragement I find so regularly in the person of God.  And I do want to honor what it is that you have worked hard to encourage in me.  

Thank you for being here at My Place of Peace.  It’s an honor to journey together with you!  Happy New Year, friends!   


Mom said...

Love you!

Karen said...

thank you for tapping these words onto the screen ~ looking forward to walking & growing alongside you @ My Place of Peace in 2012.

Borbe Bunch said...

Shilo, I echo your heart in this post....SO much has taken place in past days and I find it hard to allow myself time to write about the goodness of God; never because it lacks, quite opposite actually! I want to scream from the tallest mountain all God has and continues to do in my life...but life takes over and the daily tasks are at thank you for coming back to your blog, thank you for inspiring me that it is never to late to return to something that is so good for the soul....writing. Excited to read and journey with you :)
Many blessings,

Susan Schroder said...

It's about time you started writing again!!! (o; Thank you so much for getting back to it!
Lots and lots of love

Joyful Noise for a Joyful Life said...

Blog through your pain. Just let go and God will speak through your fingertips as they gently strike the keys. We will be here to listen, share, and encourage you when you can't stand on your own.

Tim and Susan said...
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Norberto Kurrle said...

Shilo, it is sooo good to hear your "voice" again! God's faithfulness is all around you and He has breathed new life within you. 2012 is a year to celebrate!!


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