Monday, June 1, 2009

The Hidden Benefits of Moving

One of the hidden benefits of moving is finding your old love letters! It was so good to re-read them and just cherish the special moments each one represented. Here are a few of my favorites:

"He loves you."
You see, even the printer knows I love you (Honey original).

If I were the sun, I would write little notes to you on all the leaves with golden ink and leave them everywhere for you to find.

Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.

And my favorite...Nobody's grass is as green as ours.

Indeed...and nothing like a few love letters to bring blessings into perspective. I may not like moving...but at least I get to do it with the love of my life!


Unknown said...

Awww how sweet!! All of our love letters seem to be on line :) I do have an email box with all the emails from our dating and stuff... I should put them into a scrap book with embellishments so it's prettier to read through :)
Hang in there as you prep to go!

Java with the Johnsons said...

aww...See people with Brad's and my personality aren't all bad. :) Those are really special Chilo!!!

Ana Degenaar said...

How beautiful! Enjoy your new place...

By the way, we have a new section over at Everyday M.moms, calledMissionary Moms' Nests! Come Join it!

Rebecca Conduff Aguirre said...

Those are very romantic! :) Neat that you can relive those moments...

Liz Harrell said...

What a sweet post. Cant wait to see your new place!


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